Wednesday, October 21, 2015

12 Websites


1. Pinkle Toes Photography
Photographer: Michelle
Austin Texas


Things I Like

1. I really liked that she had the website very organized into sections of age groups
2. I really enjoyed how she had a lot of content on  her website.
3.  It was also very easy to contact the photographer, it is just built in on the website.

Things I would change

1. Although I like that it was organized i feel she had too many subsections under the tabs.
2.  She didn't have a watermark on some of the pictures so that could prove to be a problem if someone wanted to take her photo

4. 7 tabs

5. She has 11 subsections and in each there are around 20 images.


1.  Eclectic Images Photography
photographer: Heather Banks
Austin Texas, but available for travel worldwide


Things I Like

1. A lot of her pictures were unique and different from others than I have seen.
2. I really enjoyed the layout she had it was simple and modern which is great because it is not distracting like others i have seen.
3. I like that the contact form that you fill out pops up conveniently on top of the images that you are looking at and does not take you to whole other section on the website.

Things I would Change

1. I liked the slideshow on the home page but it was a little frustrating to not be able to go back to a picture without having to wait for the whole cycle to start again.
2. I would have likes a little more organization within the sections, pictures from weddings organized into there own sections.

4.  6 tabs
5. 40 to 50 images in each


photographer: Amanda Pomilla
Amanda Pomilla Photography
Austin, Texas


Things I Like

1. Really beautiful photos and I loved that along with the photo's she also had a journalistic side to her website talking about the people she photographs.
2. I liked that her website really cover all the possible questions a customer would have.
3. I also liked the layout she had when putting each shoot she did.

Things I would Change

1. I would have liked to see a watermark on some of her images.
2. It was hard for me to find some of the sections because it was hard to view some of her subsections.
3. I would have liked to be able to scroll through the images on the home page.

4.  4
5.  She has around 20 subsections and within each sections she has around 15 in each session.


photographer: tracy and jeff


Things I Like

1. A lot of different and unique images
2. liked her use of a natural kind of style that really showed through in her images that she chose on her website
3. Like how she chose an accent color and used it throughout the website.

Things I would Change

1. she didn't have watermarks
2. she didn't have specific pricing on her website
3. didn't like that you couldn't go back on images in the front page

4. 5
5.  each section had subsections with each couples images from there shoot (around 30)


 Knotting hill photography


Things I Like

1. super user friendly one tab for portfolio and then the subsections
2. cool that people can comment on the images
3. contacting her was easy would just pop up in the top area

Things I would Change

1. it had no watermarks
2.the pictures on the main page weren't the strongest overall that this person had
3. the way to see them took a while to load each image i feel it would have been better differently

4. 5
5. around 40 images in each 


photographer: Desiree keelty


Things I Like

1. The reviews were a good touch to the website
2. easy to find stuff on her website
3. Had a lot of variety throughout and she had good pictures for each

Things I would Change

1. More photos from shoots because i would click for more but for the most it would only be one photo
2. I didn't really like the all grey background
3. A lot of variety but not enough images

4.   5 
5.  about 20




Things I Like

1. Liked that she had the links to her instagram and other social media.
2. Like that the website was very simple but nice
3. really liked how the photos were placed on the website

Things I would Change

1. maybe not all sections should have been a slide show and just some of them should be
2.  could not find pricing on her page
3. One of her sections did not have any images in it and all the sections didn't let you scroll through the images it was a slide show

4.  5
5.  not sure because it was a slideshow


photographer: Jenni Jones 


Things I Like

1. the slideshow on the home page was good especially because youu could also scroll through or go back
2. her watermark was really nice and simple but still interesting
3. Her page was simple but nice

Things I would Change

1. she had a lot of tabs which was a little much when looking for stuff
2. i did not like the placement of her photo tab it was kinda far off and got lost in the other ones
3. some of the font was a little hard to read

4. 9
5.  3 sections with around 20 images


1.  life in motion photography

photographer: Lyndsay



Things I Like

1. really liked the layout on the first page 
2. Liked that you are able to click on the sections from the first page
3. the blog page was really cute

Things I would Change

1. There was a lot of time between photos of white space in the slideshow which was a little bothersome
2. no watermark
3. at first the main page had a lot of baby portraits so I thought he was only a baby photographer until the slideshow moved on 

4. 8
5.  9 sections with around 40 images


photographer: tatyana and steve
birch tree photo


Things I Like

1. liked the two different fonts and how they complemented each other
2. the pop of color on their names was really nice and added to the website
3. Liked the simplicity of the website

Things I would Change

1. add subsections to her portfolio to make it easier to understand
2. maybe add more photos to her portfolio especially since it was just one section with images
3.  would have liked to be able to choose which photo i wanted in the sections.

4. 1 picture section 5 others
5. not sure exactly how many in each but not as many as i would have liked




Things I Like

1. no watermark
2. can't scroll through images or go back if you see one you like

Things I would Change

1. I would have options to scroll through the slideshow
2. watermarks
3.  if i had to find something else to add i would say that 

4. 5
5. 1 section with subsections about 6 that had around 30 images in each 


photographer: audry l stopa


Things I Like

1. I liked her logo it was simple but looked really nice with the white background
2.  Review page was a good idea
3.  Being able to scroll through the images on the home page was good 

Things I would Change

1. Not being able to click on the picture and see the image bigger
2.  getting to each section was a little hard because you would have to put your mouse over the gallery to get the other sections

4.  5
5.  5 sections with around 20 images each 

Guess Where