Friday, November 6, 2015



  1. like:
    the photos are all really nice
    i LOVE the portraits
    i like the about me tab

    i wish the home screen was a different design or something to make it stand out from the other tabs
    i wish there were more photos
    i wish there was a separate tab for pricing

  2. I love how user friendly your site is
    beautiful images
    clean and simple

    i wish you had more photos
    home page doesnt grab my attention
    your pics are named like "IMG_8534" change it to look more professional

  3. Love the layout of the website, and the photos you chose are really good, clean and simple website.
    I think you should add more photos in each category especially your senior portraits and wedding photos. I think you should change your about me photo because its pixilated.

  4. *I like your layout, we have the same one!!
    *Good about me tab, short and sweet

    *Maybe make a tab specifically for pricing
    *Put some more work up! You're talented, let it show!

  5. I like your layout and background color. and font! I think you should pick a different photo for your about page and have a longer bio but other than that really good!
